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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: Life's lessons learned the hard way

NOTE To Myself:
   I really should make sure that my 11 yr. old not only picks up all his Lego
toys, but that he also does not stack their storage containers three high in
living room, but takes them downstairs to his bedroom where they belong.
 Otherwise ....... I may find myself down on my hands and knees picking up
thousands of the little buggars from all over the living room floor when
Albert knocks them all over (quite by accident, of course) after 11 yr. old
and everyone else has gone to bed. Albert was more than willing to "help",
despite my insisting that I did not really want his kind of "help". I'd fill
up one container with hundreds of Legos and be filling another and set first
aside and he'd knock it over again! Then I try to block the containers as I
fill them and he sees the cat on the deck through the french doors and pushes
my posterior end trying to get to french doors and cat beyond and I knock over
the containers when he pushes me!  Then I tell him to stop pushing me and cat
stands up on outside of french doors again and Albert this time jumps over
couch and arm of couch to get beyond me and to french doors, knocking over all
three containers of Legos again! I yell at him to go lay down right now!
Guiltily he obeys. Then I pick up the Legos again and see cat standing at
french doors again and Albert getting excited. Decide to let cat in and let
them do their thing and maybe I can pick up the Legos and get them out of here
where Albert can't get to them. I open the door and step back to allow the cat
to come in. Suddenly see the mouse the cat must've had head for the door. I
leap to close door and  - you guessed it......knock over all three containers
of Legos!!! Not only do they spill out all over the living room again, but
they also go into area of threshhold of door making it so I can't close door
all the way and mouse is trying to get in!!! I'm trying to get Legos out of
there and not allow door to open enough to let mouse in. Besides that Legos
have gotten thrown out on the deck where I'll have to wait & watch while cat
dismembers mouse before I dare open door to go get the Legos. Plus some Legos
have flown off or through (upper)deck and are now down on the ground where
I'll have to go get a flashlight and hunt for them!! AFTER I tie Albert
outside for a few minutes so I can pick up the thousands of Legos (again) -
this time in peace and get them downstairs to my son's room!!!
   It will be about 3:20 am when I get done and boy can I use some sleep!!
Actually  a stiff drink sounds good about now!!! Alas no booze in the house,
so chocolate will have to suffice! 
   This was night #1 of letting Albert sleep inside at night, so mosquitos and
gnats can't bite him, in case they are reason for his Hot Spots. What I do for
that pup!! 
   Mosquitos and gnats probably had a peaceful night tonight!!  They are
probably peeking in windows snickering at me!!! Thinking it serves me right
for making them go hungry tonight.

:O  &  :)```     (me screaming & Albert grinning & drooling!)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.