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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: Pyrs and barking

Somthing I have missed (and I must be crazy) since Bo's
death earlier this year is the mighty Pyr Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!.
We had learned to sleep through Bo's barking at night. Well
Boomer, the new pup has finally started to bark at cars that
come into the drive way - and he just barked for the first time
at the trash truck! This was music to my ears, and I am sure
a dread for the trash man :-) I am sure he was used to Bo
barking at him each week - but now it's Boomers time to
bark and terrify the trash man in the early morning darkness.
BTW - Boomer is not loose, he has a pen, but his bark travels
very far. Maybe life is going to get back to normal around here
after all!
Danelle & Boomer