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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: Life with a pyr

In a message dated 98-06-15 13:32:57 EDT, you write:

<<  Never a dull moment!! Huh?!
    I have a hubby (male - they USUALLY come that way - in my experience
anyway!)  and three boys now (22, 19, and 11) (used to have another older boy
but he was child-snatched in 1977 at age of 5). With Albert, too,  I really am
surrounded by testosterone!! But for some bizarre reason I feel there's always
room for more!! Keep considering another rescue pyr or another Newf or
something...! Maybe another would keep Albert busy  & exhausted more!! So he
can't wreak so much havoc!!!??? :)  ;)  Haven't gotten my hubby to fully
realize the logic in this yet, though.
    Plus all the boys' friends are here a lot, too. We had to get another
couch to go with the couch, padded hope chest, 2 wing back chairs and assorted
other wooden windsor chairs they grab from dining room to fit the crowd that
often assembles here!
 Now throw a 9 mos. old 92 pound pyr (definitely the flunked charm school
variety: CLUMSY!!) into the mess...... Not a pretty picture!! 
    We are seriously considering building another living room - sunroom kind
of room to escape when we want to! A quiet room! Of course then Albert would
want in there with me and there that "quiet room" strategy would be shot to
Hell!! Especially since I want tons of plants in there and Albert thinks it's
his sworn duty to help each and every plant escape the clutches of the plastic
pot monster that it's entrapped in and then destroy the offending plant pot
monster, so it can never again hold a plant in it's clutches!!!!
 :)   &   :)```  
 (me grinning, when I'm not  :O  'ing -screaming - & Albert grinning &
 Janice Vocke
 Shelton, WA.