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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: Life With A Pyr - apology by author

I have had a number of personal replies to my post about Albert -vs-the plant
pot monster. In it I was referring to being the only female in an all-male
household and when counting kids I mentioned I had three boys now (an older
boy was child-snatched at 5 yrs.). Yes it was true. Sad, but true. Have not
seen nor heard anything of Richie since. If alive he'd be 26 now. There's been
no contact. There were reports that he was taken to California and also
reports that he was taken to Colorado. Never know if they are real information
or planted information to throw you and law enforcement off track.
   I'm kind of sorry I mentioned it. I usually don't, but sometimes he's on my
mind more and it comes out. Don't like to make people uncomfortable, but like
people to be aware and careful!! Maybe they should start putting microchips in
babies and kids and everyone. People would worry about the "Big Brother
Watching Them" thing though. Acceptable for pets, it seems, though. 
   I have been involved in teaching about safety for youth for years. Even
helped someone else find their 11 yr. old child that was abducted and taken to
Oregon in 1989. His mom calls me every few days and we have become best
friends. The boy was in my Webelos Cub Scout Den at the time. In August I will
be going to his wedding. So there are some happy endings!! 
   I apologize for bringing it up. Meant the story to be funny and cute, but
for some reason I threw that in there. Guess I should hang onto my posts for a
day or so and see if I still feel the same about them then before I send them.
Sometimes it seems  almost sacriligious not to count him, but confusing or
depressing if I do, too. Felt moved to somehow include him in the count at
that moment. Please accept my apology for bringing some of you down. That was
truly never my intention. I had hoped to share a good laugh instead of a
personal tragedy. I think talking about the news at work and pathetic people
who kill babies and blame post-partum depression and other ridiculous things
got to me. It got me thinking & Richie was on my mind, but I kept it all in
until writing that post and then had to include him somehow in my count of
boys I have/had. Sorry guys.
    Anyway, love 'em & hug 'em and make every moment count!! Whether we are
talking about kids, pyrs, pets, spouses or others we love and care about! Fill
up your lives with the kind of times that good memories are made of!!! You
never hear someone that's dying say they wish they'd have worked more hours,
gone to more meetings, cleaned their house more, or gone to the tavern more.
Make every day count! Let not the sun go down on your anger, when it comes to
those we love. Have fun and laugh with your family everyday, (this is easy
with a pyr pup around!!) - not just on special occasions. Then hopefully they
will carry your love within them no matter where they go or what happens. I
always wanted my kids to know that they were loved and never have even a
moment's doubt of it. That's my biggest success! If I never did another thing,
that would be enough. Not just enough but something good and wonderful and

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.