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Re: [PyrNet-L] Lymphosarcoma Update/Clondike

In a message dated 98-06-18 00:26:11 EDT, David wrote:

<< She also says Clondike will start 
 acting like a puppy (I hope she's exagerating--I'm too old to go through 
 that again).  >>

   So glad I checked my mailbox before hitting the sack tonight
(actually2:30am)!  Was so glad to know that things were looking up a bit for
you and Clondike!  Know you'll get a better night's sleep, too.  All of you
and Clondike are on our minds so much. 
   What strange side effects of treatment!!  So it sounds like we can look
forward to some good funny stories about Clondike's second puppyhood, as well
as updates!! And as to your comment in parentheses....Boy! Do I know THAT
feeling!!!  But life often has other plans!! Somehow the extra laughs and
smiles always help see us through these things though! Enjoy every moment and
every slime of Clondike's second puppyhood!!!!! I'm sure you will! And stock
up on film to record it all! (Was so shocked to learn that my neighbour whose
pup & cat are missing now has no photos of pup or cat to put on "Lost!" signs
I wanted to make for her. I've felt like I should own stock in film
manufacturing & developing companies these past few months, myself!)
   Hugs and good vibes coming your way! And Albert pyr hugs and slimes, too!

:)   &   :)````   (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling!)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.