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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: Join us for LiveChat Tuesday!

Forwarded with permission:)

Subj:	      [FLOCKGUARD] Live Chat

Okay Gang, if you have time this Tue. night let's gather round with our
ice tea and our favourite LGD and chat.
time: 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central, 8pm Mountain, 7pm West coast.
Just go to the above address and click on the live chat link, that will
take you to the chat page. You will need a Java Browser and can get a
free one by clicking on the letters in blue Microsoft Internet Explorer.
this takes a while to download, so you might want to do that ahead of
time. When you are all set, type a name in the box that says Nickname
then click on the "OK-Connect Button" then type what you want to say in
the box with the red letters that says "Type Here", then hit your enter
key, what you said will show up on the screen. The chats are lots of fun
and we discuss all kinds of dog related topics. If you have questions or
problems, or just share what works for you come and join us.
Hope to see you there,
Sheila & Brigid-The Wonder Anatolian