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[PyrNet-L] Worry-wort

Something dawned on me yesterday that has really got my mind wandering,
I was wondering if anyone could put me at a little ease.
My 15 wk old pyr does not jump up.  She is of good size now (almost
25lbs) but still won't go up stairs or jump into the car.  When she
runs, her rear legs go two by two to the right side.  I always thought
this was pretty cute, with her "thumbs" and all. She trots along just
fine on walks alternating rear legs, and chases the cats just
fine....but she "bounds" rather than runs.
She does not jump on furniture or onto the bed (not that we wnat her
to!!!), though she will stand on her rear legs with her front paws on
the couch/bed. But waits for you to "help" her with the rear. She does
this for the car also, will go to the back seat door, put her front legs
up, and wait.  I think you know what I'm thinking at this point.....what
if her hips are bad?

A few thoughts I have are.... that maybe she's just a puppy and bounding
is what they do.  And, to go outdoors, we have 5 steps about 24 inches
deep leading from the door to the yard.  When we brought her home at 8
weeks, we carried her up and down the steps because they were simply too
high, as she has grown, we help her up a step or two because she seems
to expect the help we gave her as a small pup.  I should add that she
does do the stairs outside on her own most of the time, it's mostly she
doesn't "want" to go outside or come in the house that she refuses.
With some persuasion and a boost, she'll do it.

Of course she lays down to eat and drink, which I've come to read are
normal pyr-isms......but what about the stairs and jumping?? is she
being a lazy pyr or should I start to worry? Her next vet appt is in
1-1/2 weeks and I'll surely bring this up.  But for now I'm consumed
with worry.

Should I be thankful maybe that she hasn't figured out jumping yet? Is
the worse yet to come? <G> or should I have seen her on the couch and
bed by now??