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[PyrNet-L] Crating

Hi Again Gang,  Both Heidi & Chewbear are completely crate trained.  They have no problem being in their crates for 4hrs at a time & think of their crates as security blankets.  The door to crate is always open & that's where they go voluntarily if they need a "time out".  We do not leave water in the crate but we do give them a biscuit & a couple of chew toys.  The longest we have had to leave them so far, is 6hrs.  They were fine, just really exuberant when we got home.  We agree that you need to guide them right out the door when you let them out of the crate.  Heidi was ready to squat right away.  Good luck!

Kathy, Joe, Chewbear(Sammy) and Heidi(pyr)
Wish you well.. Woof, Woof