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Re: [PyrNet-L] Help with crating problem

Ken, another question. If your wife puts Belle in her crate and stays in the
same room where Belle can see her, does she still howl or become agitated?

I was told by Mukki's breeder to try to lessen his "dependence" on me by
having my partner feed him, take him for walks, etc. We've had a similar
experience since both of us are home most of the time. Is there a play-group
Belle could join? Has she been to any obedience and met puppies there she
likes playing with?

Then there's the normal separation anxiety routine... whatever your wife
tends to do when she leaves (jingle of keys, garage door opening, etc.),
have her do that and return in a few minutes, increasing the time, etc.
gradually so as to desensitize Belle. Have good-byes be short. When your
wife returns, she should go about her business, and not rush to greet Belle.
Belle's got to learn it's the mos normal thing for her people to come and
go, and return. No fuss. No huge emotional scene. Calm.

If you've tried all this over a period of time, and none of it seems to be
working, you may want to consult with an animal behaviorist- but I'm betting
you probably won't need to. Belle will probably outgrow this stage with the
right support and more socialization.
