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On Thu, 20 Aug 1998 08:09:32 -0600, Sharon Stuck wrote:

>Hi, me again!. We will be going to Calif. from Idaho Falls  over the Labor
>Day Holiday. Bad timing I know, but that's when the dog show is. We will be
>picking up a girl in Campbell Calif and taking her to the Petaluma show. We
>are leaving The night of the 3rd of Sept. and driving to Wells Nevada. From
>there we will head West on I-80 to Truckee Calif. If anyone is interested
>in Keanu, a 6yr. male Pyr (very friendly) along that route, we can bring
>him and meet up. I put a couple of pictures of him on disk so can send one
>to aanyone who would like one. We don't have a website yet.
>Thanks----PS There will prrobably also be a 1 yr. female who needs a home
>around here. Was going to guard, but spends to  much time hanging out at
>the bus stop with the kids. 
I wish I had the time, money & room for all the dogs I want. I wish I
could help but I'm splitting at the seams with dogs as it is. I hope
you find them both good homes. It sounds like they certainly deserve
Mitzi Potter   OKC  OK