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Re: [PyrNet-L] dumb question

Hi Rhonda,
Although the gestation period for Great Pyrenees is 63 days, I have had
pups born anywhere from 57 to 64 days. Actually, most of mine tend to
whelp on the 61st day.  

We get the whelping box all set up about 2 weeks in advance and get the
prospective Mom comfortable with being in it well in advance. We often
x-ray the dam a week before the litter is due to get some idea of how
many pups to expect (even though the x-rays usually miss one or two
pups).  If if it looks like a very large litter or a small litter, you
need to watch out for problems (ruptured uterus or uterine inertia) and
be ready to take her to the Vet (alert your Vet in case it is the middle
of the night) if any complications arise.

If this is your first litter, you should look for a good book on
whelping a litter. Since Pyrs are so big and heavy compared to their
pups (usually 1 -l 1/2 lbs at birth) we stay with Mom and pups night and
day for at least the first week to make sure that the mother does not
step on or lie down on a puppy and that all the pups are nursing and
gaining weight.

Hopes this helps.


> We've had pyr's for about 3 years now; just found this list though, It never
> occured to us to  look on the internet about out pyr's. Just got our first
> female of age bred, Is the gestation period different than other dogs?
> Rhonda Pilkington