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[PyrNet-L] Selective hearing in PYRs

In a message dated 8/20/98 1:18:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, Reisch3@aol.com

<< So, last night, my first night home, I was not surprised that Klonnie
 to share my bed.  What did surprise me was his refusal to let me have any
 room!  Apparently, he has developed the remarkable ability to completely
 ignore the words, "Move,"  "Off," or "No."   >>

   Had to laugh at this one! I completely forgot when I wrote about some of
our vacation stories, to write about how in the mornings Albert always likes
to wake everyone up in the travel trailer by giving them a kiss! My hubby does
not welcome these kisses like I do, so Albert found it necessary to take
matters into his own paws: Since I sleep on the side of the RV bed closest to
Albert, I get my kisses first....then Albert puts his paws on bed and tries to
reach over me & slime hubby, who grumbles that he doesn't need a kiss from
Albert. Desperate times call for desperate measures, according to Albert. So
he climbs over me stepping on my stomach in process! OMIGOD!!!  And slimes
hubby and then lays down between us and puts his back against hubby, who has
rolled over to escape slimes and now has his back to us. Then Albert puts his
feet on me and proceeds to stretch and push with all his might! Remember that
this is an RV bed!!! Not a king size bed or even a full-size bed!! It's
crowded enough with just hubby and me there!! Hubby is getting squished to the
max against the wall and I'm struggling not to be pushed out of bed and have
toe nails in my side and back! I lose and am pushed out of bed. Do you think
Albert moves over? NO! Still squishing hubby against wall!! And when we yell
at Albert throughout this, through our groaning and moaning and laughter,
Albert doesn't seem to have the slightest idea what we could be getting at! 
   We laugh when we hear of people sleeping in tents with their Pyrs! Can just
picture THAT with Albert!!.......NOT!!

:0  &  ;)`````   (me screaming & Albert winking, grinning & drooling!)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.