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RE: [PyrNet-L] Microchip question

We have microchipped and/or tatooed our pyrs and pyr sheps.  The chips
are implanted using a syringe (similar to that used to give needles) but
with a bigger gauge needle end on it.  The microchip itself is about the
size of a grain of rice and has a tiny microprocessor in it that
displays a number when a scanner is passed over the chip.  The new chips
are designed with a little barb on them so that they stay put where they
are implanted, usually in between the withers (shoulders) of the dog.

I wouldn't say that it hurts the dog, certainly no more than tatooing
does, although when you see the tip of the syringe you will know that
they will feel it going in.

The number on the chip is then recorded either with the company that
manufactured it or in the case of CKC here in Canada, it is registered
with both CKC and the manufacturer.

Microchips are the only 100% sure way to identify your dog.  In most
cases with Pyrs it is the ear that is tatooed.  There have been cases of
dogs having their ears cut off to remove anyway of tracing the identity
of the dog...

I would highly recommend their use.

Great Pyrenees & Berger des Pyrenees
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada