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[PyrNet-L] pyr connections (was "pyrnet connections")

In a message dated 9/8/98 7:57:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
wetheri@emmanuel.edu writes:

<< It is so great to make these pyr connections. Do
 others have the experience we do with their pyrs? Paddington played with
 anything on four legs when he was a puppy--even to the point of play bows
 to a park ranger's horse (unnerved the young man no end!). >>

   Our Albert LOVES to PLAY!  He loves to play with all other dogs! He has yet
to meet the dog HE doesn't want to play with!!  And wants to play with
neighbours' cows and horses, too. Yet they don't share his willingness to
play!  He wants so badly to play with our orange tabby cat Chester, but
Chester insists on ruling the roost & domineering Albert!  (Funny sight!!)
Cat teases and torments Albert like crazy!!  He gets so excited when he wants
to play and can't. Does this very playful dance routine! Play bows and rearing
up on hind legs and thumping ground with front paws HARD and woofing! And
wiggling like crazy! And ultimately, if it doesn't work,  will look so SAD!!  
   His sisters Heidi & Puff love to play with him & they will play for 1 - 1.5
hrs. straight!! Until they are exhausted and tongues hanging out!! And so
slimy!! Yet his brothers all growl at him. Two of his brothers, Theo &
P.I.T.A.,  are friends with each other though & they play together real well.
Albert also plays well with his Dad Dakota, too.

:)  &  :)````   (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling!)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, Washington