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Re: [PyrNet-L] Lost Pyr in Indiana

    Have you notified the sheriff and fire departments.  Also, local radio
and TV stations will probably broadcast this.  Call them ASAP and get this
message out to the local community.  Be sure to stress that your
mother-in-law was in an accident and the dog has a medical condition.  Our
local TV news has helped us with stories like this in the past.  Also,
notify the animal shelters in the area.


I just wanted to get this message out to as many people as possible.
>Every little bit helps.
>--------------from aol message board
>Subject: *** Missing Family Pet with Medical Condition ***
>Date: 9/7/98 7:52 PM Central Daylight Time
>From: MichMelMac@aol.com
>My mother-in-law was in a car accident on Wednesday, September 3 rd
>around 6:30 pm near Anderson, Indiana.  She was unconscious when
>taken from the accident to the hospital, but is fine now.  She had
>her dog with her.  After the accident he (Buster) was seen heading
>south on I-69 toward Fisher, Indiana.  He is a Great Pyrenees.  All
>white and around 80 pounds.
> Buster has a medical condition and suffers from paralyzing seizures
>and requires medication.  He was wearing an Oakland County Michigan
>dog license.  He needs medication for his seizures.  Please, if
>anyone has seen him or knows of his were abouts.  Please contact me
>at MichMelMac@aol.com.  We desperately want him home.  He's dearly
>loved and missed.
>Mitzi Potter
>Pyrs@prodigy.net   Oklahoma City  OK