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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: berry hound Albert

I love PYRs!  Besides being great companions, they provide so much
entertainment.  I have just rescued Klonnie from the evil garbage can.  He
tipped it over and got his muzzle stuck in some discarded electrical tape. 
It was not a pretty site, but we both managed to escape unharmed (and with
Klonnie's muzzle-fur intact!)

I am hoping to move into a place with a much bigger fenced yard soon, and I
really want to adopt a PYR playmate for my boy.  He's tormented my
13-year-old Doberdor (Doberman/Labrador) for too long!  :)

Good luck with (Prince) Albert, Paddington, and Ivy Rose!  They all sound
like wonderfuldogs!

~Becky and Klondike
>From: Ann Wetherilt <wetheri@emmanuel.edu>
>To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
>Subject: Re: [PyrNet-L]  CHAT: berry hound Albert
>Date: Thu, Sep 10, 1998, 11:23 AM

>Becky, I roared over the vision of you and Klondike at the carwash! I'm
>sure we'd get something of a similar reaction from our two!
>And as for berry hound Albert....friends of mine once had a dog
>(Walter--not a pyr) who *loved* peas! He'd pick the pod right off the
>vines, lie on the grass and shell them then eat only the sweet peas from
>the inside. It was a long time before they figured out where all the pea
>pod scraps were coming from!
>Ann, Peg, Paddington and Ivy Rose