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Re: [PyrNet-L] Hello?

Eileen Morgan wrote:

Hi Eileen: Welcome to Pyr-Net!  First some ?, Where are you located? Do
you want to breed or is a 'fixed' pet more suited to you?  Do you mind
alot of barking? Glad to hear furballs are not a biggie.  Would a male
or female work equally as well? What age pup? Or have  you considered an
older rescue dog?

There are lots of issues with this breed, and you would be well off
doing some research.  I'm recommending

Scott Cook is in florida and has done a great job linking Pyr pages. 
There will be lots of info to puruse.

Glad to have you, oh, and BTW, we have an 8 month male and 2yr. female
rescue in Texas <G>

Dee Dee Stotler in Brady, Tx.