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Re: [PyrNet-L] As the barn burns

I'm a little confused on this one.  Are we talking about a Pyr. trying to
mate with a geese? Thanks for clearing this up for me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrienne Wilder <draggon@stc.net>
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Date: Sunday, September 27, 1998 2:59 PM
Subject: [PyrNet-L] As the barn burns

>My minature farm has turned into a sopa opera....I need my own time slot
>on animal planet.. ;)
> In the last episode, Freeway, AKA, road kill or KFC, was
>desperately seeking to gain the affections of Patou...Patou, who is the
>only true love of two battling sister geese, has been ever diligent to
>refuse the danign, crowing, and even wing flashing of the obviously love
>dilerious, Freeway.  The other night the unimaginable
>happened....Freeway finally lost his cool and began trying to mate with
>poor Patou...(who says he was asleep and was unaware of the whole
>thing)...and the sister geese walked in...
> It was not a pretty sight....feathers are every where...and poor
>Patou is still trying to find out why the gees won't "talk" to him any
>more...I think Freeway will recover...but boy does he have a new respect
>for those geese!
> If the barn yard fowl only knew they were fighting over a dog
>who really loves the goats any how.....
>Adrienne Wilder
>Murrayville GA
>"Oh, to be loved by a dog!"
>Home of:
>The golden gang,
>Patou and the evil sister geese.
>and many stray cats.