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[PyrNet-L] EVENTS, OTHER: Pyrs of the Realm Update

Hi all,

Due to my thesis work and our imminent relocation, the Pyrs of the 
Realm collection has been sadly neglected.  Today marks the 4th 
month since the last update...  To celebrate the 11,435th "hit" on 
the PyRealm, I decided to add all the links collected during this 

This includes all the links I have seen emerge on both mailing lists 
as well as URLs sent to me by everyone.  In total, about two dozen 
new links have been added to various sections.  I have also added 
two new sub-sections: Rescue and Past Events (photos of get-
togethers).  For all of you with such pages, please email me 
privately to be added (I know there are more out there).

In case you have yet to visit the PyRealm (URL in .sig at bottom), 
the collection is structured in a manner reminiscent to the old 
anglican peerage hierarchy (251 PyRelevant links in all):

Pyrs of the Realm

  Royalty - Pyr milestones w/pictures:
    King and Queen - 2
    Royal Prince and Princess - 2
    Serene Princes and Princesses -21
    Royal Pyrs (Breed Resources)
      Breed Clubs - 10 US and 6 Int'l
      Breed Rescue - 1
      GPCA National Specialty Information - 8
      Great Pyrenees Breed Resources - 9
      Subscription information for Pyr-L and PyrNet-L

  The Pyyrages
    Order of Chivalry (Great Pyrenees Kennels) - 29
    Order of the Laurel (Pyrsonal Home Pages) - 66
      In Memoriam section - 6 (incl. link to the Rainbow Bridge)
    Order of the Pelican (Other Pyrenees on the WWWeb)
      Miscellaneous links - 21
      Temperament descriptions - 2
      Past Pyrenees Events - 3
      Pyrs in Stories - 3
      Picture Collections - 6
      Great Pyrenees Products - 20
      Breed Desrciptions - 6
      Breeder referral - 3 (no third party referral)

  The Midrealm (Great Pyrenees-related material)
    Miscellaneous (incl. Pyr Sheps) - 4
    LGD information - 7
    Health Related - 5
    Touring the Pyrenees Mountains - 13


Patric - PyRealm Webmaster

Pyrs of the Realm: How to find every Pyr in the WWWorld;