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Re: [PyrNet-L] Itching

In a message dated 9/30/98 11:47:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
psl@ahabs.wisc.edu writes:

<<  have not followed this discussion carefully, but I am wondering who 
 suggested Benedryl *twice* daily?  That seems like a lot to me. 
 Dogs and humans do not metabolize drug in the same way and you 
 should always be cautious in using human medication on your Pyr.   >>

My vet had me giving it 3 times a day after twice a day didn't do any good.
That didn't work either in our case, though.  We started filtering Albert's
water with a Brita filtering pitcher. We had high mineral content and it can
cause itching and hot spots and even blood in the feces and irritations in GI
tract, and  even weight loss. This is probably pretty rare, but met someone on
the Pyr hike that had same experience!  2 out of 6 Pyrs on the hike......maybe
it's not so rare! Plus it sure can't HURT!! Good idea for everyone these days:
pets and humans!

:)  &  :)```   (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling!)

Janice Vocke 
Shelton, Washington