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Re: [PyrNet-L] dumb question/books

I think the most important thing to remember is the amount of anesthesia to
give a pyr.  there is documented evidence that they do not need as much as
is prescribed by their weight and in fact some pyrs have not recovered
because of being over-anethesticized.  i know when i told that to my vet,
he later told me he was amazed how little anesthetic it took to put czar
under to be neutered.  about 2/3 of what he would have given him given the
normal "based on weight" approach.

i'm sure others here have more technical info on this issue.

susan dobscha

"Autumn B. Ferguson" <aferguso@aug.edu> on 10/07/98 11:34:57 AM

Please respond to pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org

To:   pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Subject:  Re: [PyrNet-L] dumb question/books

Rj Woods wrote:
> > If this is your first litter, you should look for a good book on
> > whelping a litter.
> Two good books that I like are
> Canine Reproduction , A Breeder's Guide by Phyllis A. Holst, MS, DVM
> UC Davis Book of Dogs, A Complete Medical Reference Guide for
> Dogs and Puppies, edited by Mordecai Siegal
> Kerry

I have a question for all of you concerning my 8 month old Pyr, Samson
(the love of my life!) He is being neutered tomorrow morning.  Are there
any special things that I should tell my vet, and is there any unusual
behavior that I should expect out of him?  I am taking him in at
10:00 AM and picking him up at 5:00 PM.  Should I plan to stay home from
work with him the next day?  Will he be in pain?  I have never had a dog
neutered before so I am new to all of this.  Also, he will be 8 months
Oct. 10th and he weighs approx. 90 pounds.  Is this the average?  My vet
is very honest in the fact that he has only treated one other Pyr, but
Samson loves him, and he is a wonderful man,  Thanks for the replies!

Autumn and Samson sweltering in the Georgia heat!!!!!!!