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[PyrNet-L] First Therapy-dog visit!!

Well gang, my charming, not so modest, little pyr Lucy got herself a job
offer last week.

There we were romping and running through the woods, playing hide and
seek, fetch, and "see how muddy we can get" on Thanksgiving Day,  when
we came across a fellow puppy-dog golden retriever named Katie, doing
much the same on her holiday...........along with her owners, Sue and

Dick immediately commented to us "hey, that looks like a little bit of
pyr-a-meese!" I laughed and informed him she was 100% pyr-a-*knees* and
indeed just a little bit of one because she was only 7 months old!

Lucy went into a sit to be petted, and then promptly rolled her wet
muddy self over for a proper belly rub (Standard greeting........I said
she wasn't modest!)  Well, Katie's mom was charmed of
course...................then the offer came.

Katie is retiring to the west side of Michigan on 40 acres of land next
summer, and is looking for a replacement to visit her friends at the
Presbyterian Village nursing home.  The program is called "Pet-a-pet",
and they are always looking for new volunteers.  Sue said she could tell
Lucy would be a natural, and that big white fluffy coat would be very
popular.  (I assured her Lucy spiffed up very well, and that she was
only in her play-fur that day!!)

We will go as a guest of Katie's this Saturday for introductions!

Deanna and Lou