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[PyrNet-L] Care, Behavior: Christmas trees

In a message someone wrote regarding Christmas trees: <<"What do others do?">>
   a)  Pray,    b)  use unbreakable ornaments....... and if the first thing
doesn't work, yell "NO!! Albert!!  NO!!"..... and run to catch the falling
tree or to get the ornament out of Albert's mouth!!  This year hopefully the
fact that he has learned the command "Leave It! reasonably well will help
some.  Also we never let him in living room unless we are there to supervise
   I was half tempted to put the tree outside of our french doors on the deck
and decorate it for the birds even!! And use outdoor lights on it so we can
see it night or day.  

:)  &  :)````

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.