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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat: whirling dervish pyrs?

LOL on the Christmas lights escapade!!!!!!!!!
       Joy and Maggie
-----Original Message-----
From: judith diamond <pyrenees@gwi.net>
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Date: Tuesday, December 15, 1998 1:41 AM
Subject: [PyrNet-L] Chat: whirling dervish pyrs?

>> Albert gets going around so fast!!   Regular
>> whirling dervish!!
>> Anyone else's pyrs do this?
>> Hi,
>    Funny you should mention this now. I must have 700' of X'mas lights
>in our yard. Half of them were so tangled up from last year that I gave
>up and left them that way. So, I strung the massive amount of knotted
>flashing lights on a lovely little tree out side the living room slider.
>The rest of them gracefully along the deck. They extended rather far,
>due to the very long extension cords.
>    Remember leave it to Beaver? Well, leave it to Lexi. About 7:00 PM
>last night she and Jonah were wildly playing. Suddenly Lex decided the
>best and shortest route to Jonah was through a path of lights. In no
>time she had the mish mosh of lights all over her. So fast that I barely
>had time to see how she managed it. This is when she when into her
>whirling dervish routine. Well, it seemed as though Jonah thought that
>this was the most remarkable sight that he had ever seen. So much so
>that he couldn't contain himself for very long before he had to join the
>fun. Join it he did! In a blink of an eye, there were two pyrenean
>whirling dervishes. Both delighted, lighted and aghast at what they had
>gotten themselves into. Lexi, my little electric pyrenees leaped up into
>the air trying to shake off the flashing monsters. This, of course,
>freaked out Jonah even more than he had  already become. He did a hind
>leg jump only to land on Lexi's back and further complicate the
>situation. Lexi, then decided if going up wouldn't work, that maybe
>going down would. Wrong! She went to the ground and need I say it? Jonah
>followed. They rolled around, whirled like an out of control carousel.
>Suddenly it was as if their two minds melted into one. They gave a quick
>look to each other and the very next second bolted like lightning making
>a straight line for the barn. Now, this turned out not to be a bad idea.
>When they stopped to access the X'mas light catastrophe they realized
>that their mission had almost been accomplished. For atlas, the lights
>had all gone out. They had succeeded in pulling all the lights cords and
>all out of the sockets in which they lived.
>    There was still a small matter of detanglement however. This is
>where Mommy came in. When I stopped laughing long enough, I managed to
>sing to them and reassure them that the cavalry was here. In that they
>were both panting, somewhat confused and boring of this new Christmas
>game they let me help them out of the sticky wicket that they had so
>gleefully gotten themselves into. This all resulted in pyr parade to the
>house with their Mommy hero leading the way. Before they went into the
>house they simultaneously looked back as if to say to the X'mas lights,
>"We showed you!".
> Could I have stopped their shenanigans sooner?  You bet I could. No one
>was choking or limping, I just had to let the games begin and end the
>way they did. <VBG>
> Where is the camera when you need it?
>    It's good to be back on the list with you all.
>    Take good care,
>                        Judith, Jonah & Lexi ( the double whirling
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