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[PyrNet-L] CHAT:Help NEEDED/Incorrect Pyr Info

    Hi everyone,
    I am shortly, sending this along to 2 pyr-list's to maximize the
time and the efficiency to help this very nice veterinarian who is also,
involved with the web site called, PetcareWorld. His name is Andrew
Biederman. His web page may be found at: <Petcare@pop.erols.com>
    On one of the pyr newsletters about a week ago, his  web page was
posted. Some of us went to it. Some of us laughed at the misinformation
about The Great Pyrenees Breed. Some of us put the web site down.
    I, however, got a little ruffled under my "pyr parrot headed"
feather's, so I sent them a strongly written e-mail. I know, I know, it
doesn't sound like me does it? <g>
    Dr. Biederman, apparently a very dog caring man has just e-mailed me
for the second time to rectify this matter. I have hesitated because
although I am an experienced pyr parent I am 'not' an expert. Nor do I
have the bottomless well of knowledge that so many other pyr news list
person's do. That is why, I felt it appropriate to mail 2 pyr list's, on
this particular subject.
    The man is entitled to all the needed help he can get. He seems to
have a very good doggie heart! It is simply too close to Christmas for
me to retrieve the original post from that list. I tried, I cannot find
    I did take a stab at initially correcting the poor pyr information.
If you look below, you will see that I said that the pyr has low
tolerance for stranger's. This, of course, can go either way depending
on a number of thing's. <g> It is not a blanket statement of our breed,
nor should it be. The site set-up was limited and I did the best that I
could have done at the time.
    I will be sending this on to Andrew Biederman, as also. I am trying
to give everyone equal and factual information to prevent any
    I have suggested our wonderful GPCA Web Site.
    The address I sent was: http://www.akc.org/clubs/gpca/.
    Thank you much.
    Happy Pyr-mas to all.
    Judith, Jonah & Lexi
    Ps. I'll just send it all in 2 post's. Having trouble pasting!