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[PyrNet-L] Health: Willow is sick...

Willow, my dear Willow, has been displaying a bit of a cough and runny
nose. While treating that (she wasn't getting better right away) my vet
suggested that we do a thorough blood panel on her. I was called at the
shop today and told that *some* of her levels were
evelvated...phosphorous (I can't remember the rest & will post them when
I can think better) which *may* indicate problems with her kidneys. This
news has rocked my foundation...in 6 weeks I have grown to love this dog
so much...she is a precious part of my life and days. Willow is now on a
special low protein diet, lots of fluids, and her anti-biotics have been
increased. In a month she will have another blood panel done to see if
there is any improvement. We tried to get an x-ray of her kidneys today
but her bowels were too full to get a good look at them...We will try in
another month. Willow is only 11 months old and her life is just
beginning...I know that in my search for information of Pyrs I came
across a site that had medical information concerning the breed but I
can't find it in my bookmarks and can't remember where I saw it. Do any
of you know where this site is? Are kidney problems anything that is
prevalent in Pyrs? Since Willow is a rescue I have so little info in her
beginnings in life...what she was fed or how she was treated...I don't
know if she had good food or if she was kicked (in the area of the
kidneys). I do know that she was such a fearful little thing when I
brought her into my home. She has now blossomed so...Please, if any of
you have any information or education concerning something like
this...help...Willow is mine and I am hers...whatever I have to do for
her, whatever she needs...she will have...

Michaelene & Savannah Leigh, neighborhood busy body,
Tony III, my companion, my protector, and
Willow, my gentle Pyrenees girl.