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Re: [PyrNet-L] A few questions.

In a message dated 12/22/98 7:25:04 AM Pacific Standard Time, clhenke@juno.com

<< In other breeds you remove the dew claws to avoid possible future injury.
  Not so with our double-dew gang.  Does it appear that they have stronger
 dews?  In your experience do they injure them much?  >>

   I guess within the breed the dewclaws can vary a lot. Some are coinnected
to bone, others hang looser & are not connected to bone.  Although injuries to
dewclaws are fairly rare, it can happen.  Albert ripped the nail out of one of
his rear ones when about 10 weeks old. He had them all when I checked him
twice when I was examining him prior to taking him home and vet saw them all
at 8 weeks of age, when taken in for shots and neutering. He was escaping from
his pen by trying to get through the wire mesh when it happened. I hoped it
would grow back and watched for months, but it just scabbed over and never
grew back.  We got him to be a companion pet, so it wasn't that big of a deal.
He gets around just fine & still has one dewclaw on that foot. 
   I am always amazed at how much these pyrs use their paws!!
Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.