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[PyrNet-L] LGD problem (was Flock guardian Pyr problem, although dog is not a pyr!)

Quote from Cindy Henke's post:
<<We have been told that the woman was a young drunk, so...>>

Janice Vocke's reply:
   Sorry, but I have never heard her called "young" and someone before me
posted that she was "older" .  I changed it to elderly to be more politically
correct. I guess someone should post her age and then we will know for sure!
It has never been posted.

Quote from Cindy Henke's post:
<<the woman is drunk, so she behaves in an erratic manner.>>

Janice Vocke's reply:   No one ever posted that she behaved erratic.

2 quotes from Cindy Henke's post:
<<The woman smells funny ( if we can smell a drunk, what do you suppose
comes across to a dog, with their magnificent scenting ability? ), so now
we have erratic behavior, and foul odor.  Confusing, I am sure.>>
<<The most important of all is "impaired judgement " typical of drunks.>>

Janice Vocke's reply:   Not if the dog is used to that smell.  He brought this
woman to his home remember!  What condition was he in??  He did not think she
was too drunk to make important moral decisions regarding her body, evidently.
Notice he did not think sobering her up was a primary concern upon getting her
to his home!  Or protecting her from a dog he knew did not like women.

Quote from Cindy Henke's post:
<<Now, taking this one step further, suppose, just suppose, that by biting
this woman, and sending her to the E.R., that in some very convoluted
way, it kept her off the streets ( driving ) and saved some innocent
people from dying in a car wreck caused by yet another drunk on the
road??  Would that then make this dog a hero???>>

Janice Vocke's reply:   First of all, it was never stated if she drove to his
house or not.  If she was going to be driving, it never stated whether she
would drive drunk or be staying until after breakfast and coffee and sobering
up.  If she ate breakfast it was hospital food!  Possibly through an IV!  I do
not think a dog attacking and mauling a woman who tried to pet him is a hero
ever.  I feel very strongly about drinking and driving and that if you do the
first, do not do the second!  I have lost people I loved to drunk drivers and
know others horribly hurt and their lives changed by it! I have worked to stop
this for over ten years, locally, regionally, statewide, and nationally.  I
have also gotten awards for my efforts both statewide and nationally. So do
not tell me that this is a good way to stop drunk driving!  The answer is not
to have vicious dogs attack all drunks!

Quote from Cindy Henke's post: 
<< You see Janice, there is more than one way to look at anything.  Those of
us that want to get to the bottom of all the stories before killing an
animal, are not wrong, we are just seeing another picture.  Everyone has
in fact agreed that if the dog is truly a biter, then it probably should
be put down.  We just don't think it is quite as cut and dried as you and
your supporters, ok? >>

Janice Vocke replies:   FINALLY something we can AGREE on!!  All along I have
said that I want to hear the Dr.'s report, the victim's report, the
Prosecutor's report, the ambulance crew's report, and the animal shelter's
report.  We have only heard the Defense teams reports and what they want us to
hear of other's reports. I DO want to hear the WHOLE STORY!!  We are told that
they are sparing us the "legalities" and the "specifics" and that "some things
should remain private"!!  I wrote repeatedly that I want the legalities and
specifics and to hear the rest of the story and they need to not keep things
private if they are asking for us to go to bat for this dog. 
   Probably the best thing would be for those of you that do not like
euthanasia for dogs that attack, would be for you to pool your financial
resources and build and maintain doggie prisons that allow the dogs to be
cared for by people like yourselves and yet keep the public safe. The fact
that no doggie prisons exist for long-term care of these kinds of vicious dogs
that viciously attack and cause serious injuries. Remember that this one had
no further provocation than someone trying to pet them while a guest in the
dog owner's home.  If that's what you consider "erratic behavior"... then
heaven help us all!!  
   (Maybe have Cindy talk to the Liquor Control Board and law enforcement
personnel and tavern, bar and cocktail lounges and see what you can work out
with them to keep drunks from driving!)  I am sure they will laugh at how
ridiculous that sounds, though. Yet it is sad that she would stoop to such a
thing to try to defend this dog's vicious attack.
   I find it fascinating that the ones that keep saying they are tired of
hearing about this keep posting and re-posting and even send me private e-
mails to bother me.  I have had people even threaten me and my dog over this.
(Which is against the rules of AOL and the lists as well!)  Anything I am
willing to say I am willing to say publicly.  You'd think I was the vicious
one that attacked someone who reached out to them in friendship!  (Instead of
the sweetie I am!!  :)   )  Oh, well.....as I told them....I just consider the
source!  And I try not to sink to their levels by personally attacking them.
I prefer to rationally and intelligently discuss the issues and facts and wish
we had all the facts!

   Hope your holidays were happy!  I had to stay off-line and not read my e-
mail from LGD and Pyr list people over the holidays in order for mine to be
happy. Sad but true.  But I did have a wonderful holiday with my family and
friends and of course my critters!!    

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.