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Re: [PyrNet-L] Non-pyr: pit fightnig

This is so true! there is a vet at the practice I go to that has a 
problem with Pyrs. I couldn't understand why he was friendly to my dogs 
at first. I did have to use him in an emergency. Afterwards I had a 
(ahem) "conversation" with him about some comments he had made that were 
not to my liking. My regular vet thought the whole thing was hilarious 
and explained to him that my dogs were always well behaved at the vet. 
He has, in my case, "seen the light"! I do not, however, recommend other 
Pyr owners to him. I recommend the owners to the 2 other vets in the 
practice. Even though he is a very good vet it is no way to start out a 
puppy. Not when the man is obviously afraid of the breed.

>Reply-To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
>From: MGApeach@aol.com
>Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 13:21:19 EST
>To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
>Subject: Re: [PyrNet-L] Non-pyr: pit fightnig
>True..thats like we had a client come in the other day with a Rottie 
>wanted to eat our arms off. And he said he was planning to breed him!! 
>But then again- it is not a particular breed's fault that people are 
>agressive dogs. But I will agree that some breeds are more aggressive 
>others. I was shocked when I got into the Veterinary world, that alot 
>people who work in the field do not trust Pyrs and think of them as
>"aggressive". But we do see a couple that would bite you. All in a days 
work I
>Melissa, Maddie, Samson and Tanner
><< Ha, Ha,   mildly put.....  I'll emphasize the "idiot humans"
> But don't you think there is now an aggressive trait in their 
> If you keep breeding the aggressive dogs with other aggressive dogs
> you get more aggressive dogs.  I'm sure there are plenty of very sweet
> and loving pit bulls out there but it is the aggressive ones that are 
> making the news and getting the "rap".  This is of course no way the
> fault of the dog, but of the breeders, and this is what bothers me
> when I here breeders of Pyrs are out to breed more aggressive Pyrs.
> It's not needed, does not follow the breed standard, and in the end, 
> give the Pyr breed a bad rap too.
> Tim Parks >>
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Barb Bowes, NJ and
Bo, Molly, Chelsea and Flopsy the Pyr Shep

The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.

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