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[PyrNet-L] New owner/web site/clicker's

Hi Catie & all,
    My pyr's respond beautifully to clicker training. It adds yet,
another dimension to their learning process. The clicker sound can
perked them up when they grow tired of my usual command's. Even when I
am not being repetitive with them. I started clicker's with Jonah when
he was 2 years old. The trainer in my class was very suprised at how
smart he was and how willing and responsive to the method at his older
age. HA!
    If I find the clicker web site or other info. I'll pass it on.
    Catie, there is a superdupercalifradulisticexpealadocious training
information web site that The Great Pyrenees club of California
sponsor's. It's invaluable to new and old pyr owner's alike. The address
is at :http://www.sonic.net/GPCC/library.htm.
    Go look, it's fun!
    take good care,
    Judith, Jonah & Lexi