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Re: [PyrNet-L] Aggression fear

Catie, Glad to hear you are going ahead with your pup plans.    I love
Newfs, but I think the breeder you talked to didn't even begin to make
sense.  In the first place, supposedly Pyrs. are the background blood of
Newfs.  So what would that do to her Newfs.?  The age thing is really a
bit arbitrary, isn't it?  How would anyone come to the conclusion that 
would be the magic age?  As far as total maturity, I have always heard 
four was pretty standard for the giant breeds.  And probably most
importantly is the number of people who keep owning Pyrs.  If they bit
and ate all the other pets, I really think " having another Pyr. " would
be unlikely.  Have fun with the new pup, love it, train it, spend time
with it, and don't even think about it being anything but your friend and
family member for all the days of its life!  Cindy.
Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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