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Re: [PyrNet-L] People allergic to their Pyrs.

Janice has a good point on the allergies.  We too suffer, but life
without them is un-thinkable.  A couple of more things, don't do this
unless you are seriously going to keep him inside in this weather.  Bathe
the pup, rinse well, and then pour distilled water over him, let it sit,
then blot it dry.  You can blow dry from there, but remember even when
they feel dry, the Pyr. coat ( even puppy ) is difficult to really get
dry.  You would have to keep him in, it would not be worth the risk
freezing him.  The distilled water works on the dander.  It has to be
repeated when you feel the need, and of course it becomes problematic
when they get really big!

Ours sleep with us, but if your family is really badly affected, don't. 
Have a crate for him in a warm part of the house.

The other thing, people pay a fortune to de-sensitize by taking shots. 
This can actually be done by being careful and de-sensitizing yourself to
the animal itself.  Using the other good suggestions, in time you will
find you react less violently.  After all, we can't get rid of pollen and
the other things that cause allergies, so think of the animals the same

I have to admit, a Pyr. was probably not your best choice of breeds for
an allergic family.  My worst time with these guys is if they come in
damp ( rain ), and then they are all in the bedroom being damp and doggy!

A really good vacuum ( I use a Kirby ) with a superior filtration system,
used frequently ( I do it every day), keep your furnace filters really
clean, and the house dusted well.  Brush outside as Janice suggested.

How do you manage to spend a lot of time with the pup even outside with
the allergies?  Pyr. pups need a lot of stimulation for their very active
minds.  All dogs do of course, but Pyrs. can get themselves in trouble,
if they are not well occupied!  I just don't see how you are really
getting anything out of the pup the way you describe the situation.  At
any rate, good luck, and think about some of the suggestions that were
made.  A lot of people have a rough time with allergies ( I too have a
nebulizer ), but life without the animals to cuddle wouldn't be worth it!
Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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