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Re: [PyrNet-L] one more question

Ha-ha-ha-ha, I want to answer this one for you just as soon as I get out
from under the pile of big white dogs smooching and licking and cuddling!

Yes Pyrs. certainly do Alpha things.  Watching four grow at the same time
has been  interesting.  They will find their place, and as long as you
make sure your in control at the earliest stages of life, it is not a
problem.  I have always found that raising well adjusted dogs is like
raising well adjusted kids.  Your in control, they know it, and then you
throw liberal amounts of love in.  Watch the pups play, do not be rushed,
take your time.  Even if you do end up with a shy one getting out and
socializing it, having others handle it, letting it know that it is
valued and well loved, usually does the trick.  I have never had a big
problem with taking any member of a litter.  My Champion bitch was a last
choice of a litter, very quiet, she not only got her conformation title,
but went on to do obedience, when not many were working Mastiffs in
obedience.  Your going to play the biggest part in your dogs life Catie,
relax and enjoy the ride.  Pyrs. are a wonderful breed, and they are so
beautiful that they attract a lot of their own attention, so it is not
hard to get people to handle them.  All of mine are so social and
friendly, that I am having to work at getting them to be calmer around

The Monks of New Skete book always said to let them sleep in your room,
but not in your bed.  I loved that book, but all my dogs are free to get
on and off the bed as they choose.  I have never had a dominance problem,
caused by the bed, in any dog I have had.  We have a water bed, and they
get too hot after a while.  But as far as problems, we have never had
any.  I think you can talk yourself in to problems, when common sense
would normally take care of things.

Best suggestion I can give is to correct dogs like the Mother would, fast
and hard, followed by loving cuddles, so they know what the mistake was,
but that they are still loved!  Have I mentioned the book " Dogs Never
Lie About Love " by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson.  He also wrote " When
Elephants Weep ", both are excellent books about animal behavior and well
worth reading.  I really love his work with the dogs.  You might enjoy it
while you wait for your pup!  If you have good control over your pup
while he is small, then being big won't matter.  If you don't have
control while they are small, you have a huge monster to deal with later.
 The Pyrs. want so much to please and be with you, that in a lot of ways
they are really easy to deal with.  But you have to acknowledge they are
real thinkers and very smart, so always treat them with the respect they
deserve!  This is just my opinion, I'm sure you will get many others.  I
hope this helps.  I think everyone is enjoying your questions, they
remind each of us of our own delight in this breed!  Let me know if you
ever end up reading the book and what you think, ok?  Have a good day....
I've got to get back to my loving, kissy, smooching foursome. :)!!

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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