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[PyrNet-L] Re: nondrinking pyrs

In a message dated 1/11/99 9:01:53 PM Pacific Standard Time, pyrnet-l-
owner@pyrnet.org writes:

<< My boy Klondike has decided not to drink
 water on hikes or outings.  He refuses water in his travel bowl and won't
 drink out of my bottle, even though he is busy watering all sorts of native
 shrubbery.   >>

Sometimes I have the same problem.   I think its because they don't like the
smell of the travel bowl or are unsure what it is.  I have used a margerine
tub on occasion, with better results.  Additionally,  I rub water all over
their mouths and when they understand what it is, they do drink.  I sometimes
carry a spray bottle and squirt in their mouths.  It may not harm them not to
drink on occasion, but if you hike/outing alot, I'd try different things to
get them to drink since its not good to be dehydrated.
