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Re: [PyrNet-L] Question... What is the best age to purchase your Pyr puppy?

Jana, as everyone else has pointed out, really good breeders to not sell
pups that young.  It has everything to do with development, and what is
needed in the dog to develop correctly.  Breeders that do this are
usually just out for the quick buck.  At four weeks they are going to be
adding real food ( cost ) to the diets ( $$$ ), more puppy shots etc. 
Also, interestingly enough.  While some people want giant breed dogs,
they do not like how big 8 and especially 12 week old puppies are.  They
think they are getting a dog, and not a pup.  But the real truth is,
giant breeds are so much slower to develop mentally, that they are really
immature emotionally.  So you compound the problem.  That is why some
places are trying to ban the sale of pups that are too young.  I have
always heard that 8 weeks is about average on most dogs, and 12 wks is
the best on giant breeds.  But as you can see, people do sell them
earlier!  Actually that is how I ended up bringing five pups home.  The
guy didn't want to keep them beyond the eight week period.  He had
already sold four.  He virtually gave them to us,  just about, saying we
were closer to sheep and goat country ( we are ) and it would be  easier
for us to get rid of them.  I placed one with a friend, and fell in love
too fast with the other four!  You will manage with your pup that young I
am sure, but understand that it will have missed out on the benefits of
being with Mom and its siblings for at least four to eight weeks longer. 
And like the book, " Mom knows best" ( or something like that ), nature
intended that Moms and siblings teach valuable lessons!  That's why
people get upset when they hear about young pups being taken too early. 
We all wish you luck, and glad you enjoy the Pyrs. so much. :), Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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