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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: Mattie's home after spaying now

   Albert's playmate Mattie is back from the vet now after having her spayed.
(We just got her a week ago and she is 5.5 mos. old.) 
   I was just writing a friend the other day about Mattie and wrote the

<<None of us could agree on what we think she weighs. Not even have our
guesses been close. Everything from 20 pounds (Steve, who has yet to lift her)
to 35(George whose used to lifting Albert and thinks she is light as a feather
in comparison!) to 50  pounds(my guess & I have lifted her!). Be fun to see
who is closest! We should start a betting pool on it!!>>

   Well, I should have got a betting pool up on it!!  Mattie weighs 47.5
pounds!!  So I would've won easy!!!  I'll have to gloat some!!
   Now that I know how much she weighs I can get her on Advantage, too!  I'll
just get one month's worth of the dose for dogs between 35-55 pounds, though,
as she may be over 55 pounds by next month the vet says! 
   Mattie is glad to be home!! She seems to get tuckered out easy and is
sleeping a LOT more and not as rowdy as normal. That's to be expected. Vet
said to keep her from running fast and jumping for 2 weeks. Easier said than
done, but we will try!!
    Albert doesn't understand.  When she is sleeping on HIS loveseat he'll try
to pull her off it by her foot hairs, or put his head under her head or her
neck and try to lift her up, or lay down on the floor in front of her and
bark!!  He keeps sniffing and looking at her stitches too and knows something
is up with that.  He wants he to play so much and doesn't understand. 
   We are taking turns looking out for her and making sure he doesn't bug her
too much. If we can't be there we separate them. 

:)  &  :)```  &  :l
(me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling & Mattie recuperating)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.