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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: As if hubby doesn't have enough projects....

   My hubby keeps so busy with so many projects around here.  Including lots
of Albert-generated and now Mattie-generated projects!!  Reinforcing the
fence, repairing things they break, etc. Albert and his new playmate Mattie
were in my costume design workshop that we are building  playing, while hubby
was insulating the walls.  Albert bumped Mattie and she hit the window and a
pane of glass broke!! Luckily she was not hurt!!  Sure scared hubby though and
me too when he told me!!  Of course I had to examine her again to make doubly-
sure she was OK.  I now have a pane of the sidelight next to my french doors
that is broken and hubby covered up the hole with a piece of the plastic
wrapper of the insulation.  I went to survey the damage  and I saw a Pink
Panther peeking out at me from out of the missing pane now!!  Cracked me up!!!
Hubby had cut it that way to be cute!! So a near-tragedy and a hassle but
still he was able to turn it into something we got a bit of a laugh at
afterwards! What a sweetie!! 

:)  &  :)```  &  :)
me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling & Mattie grinning!

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.