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[PyrNet-L] Pyr-Net Quality

> One last point, I have been reading these lists on and off for years
> and I
> think it is great that this particular one has gotten to the point
> that
> people can have wildly differing opinions about dogs without personal
> attacks.  (With last month's unfortunate post an exception).  I have
> never
> felt comfortable posting to a group before and would like to thank
> everyone
> for making this one friendly enough for me to feel like I can disagree
> with
> the popular train of thought.

    Hello everyone,
     I am glad that I missed almost all of *last* month's commotion!. I
was Pyr-net bouncing in & out at that time. <G>.
    Just dropped in today to respond in kind to the gist of this post.
    For the years that I've been 'here', most everyone one posting here
has been and still are just *terrifically* wonderful pyr people, whether
they own a pyr or are owned by one.
    Simply put, when there are no rude intentions or nasty hidden
agenda's. I appreciate that deeply.
    Again, a special quick thank you to Richard R. and all the Pyr-net
List owner's for keeping our beloved list safe!
    Yours in pyr spirit,
    Judith, Jonah & Lexi
