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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: Keep the tornado victims in our thoughts and prayers

Janice, nice of you to think of everyone in this neck of the woods.  We
live about 25 mi. south of Dallas, and so far no rain.  We have a 70%
chance of it however and storm warnings are up, some of which they say
may be rough.  I've been going around this morning getting everything
snugged down and secure, just in case, chickens will stay in the small
pen with the most direct access to their house " just in case"  I always
hate  the real bad storms because of the outside animals, and making sure
they will be ok.  I had a friend loose her horses when her barn collapsed
in a storm up in Michigan.  I never feel good with them in or out now! 
But so far all is ok, with not much happening at the moment, where we
are, other than a lot of heavy wind!  Thanks for thinking of everyone.  I
really feel for the people and families and animals in those areas so
badly hit last night!  Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

On Tue, 4 May 1999 08:13:52 EDT MagEBroD@aol.com writes:
>   I have been up all night and still haven't heard about some list 
>in the tornado areas in Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas.  
>   Have heard that Mary Staudinger and Shyllo are OK and escaped being 
>in the 
>path of the tornado. So glad to hear that!!  As you hear anything, 
>please let 
>the rest of us know.  Realize many may be without power and computer 
>so some news may be slow getting out.
>    Let's all keep them in our thoughts and send lots of prayers their 
>There is a lot of horrible devastation.
>Janice Vocke
>Shelton, WA.
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