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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: Another Albert tale!

    The other day Albert and I went on a walk around town.  First we were 
invited in the antique store!!  The owner, a friend of mine insisted! I told 
him he was crazy!  But lo and behold Albert was an angel!  He sat on a rug 
and then laid down on it and was so good!  Then we went outside and met up 
with his sister Heidi and her owner Nancy. Exciting reunion, as always!!  
Then the four of us walked together around town for hours and got ice cream 
cones at Dairy Queen. They were quite the striking pair together - Albert & 
   Afterwards Albert and I went to the Retirement Home to visit there.  They 
love Albert there!   The only complaint is that he should be wearing a 
Mariners team hat, instead of his cool dude type hat!!!!!  LOL!!
    Then we headed to the Post Office. As we were going past the Logger's 
Statue, a very life-like statue of a logger with an axe over his shoulder. 
The statue is on an elevated platform. Albert stopped all of a sudden and 
wouldn't turn his back on it to cross the street!! I took him up to it so he 
could check it out.  He acted very leary of it. (I figured he'd be buggged 
because the guy's crotch is so high up!!! Remember my story last week about 
him sniffing the crotch of another statue of a couple kissing??? He had 
sniffed the statue man's crotch! And then looked very bewildered!!))  Anyway, 
then  Albert started barking his very serious warning bark!!  He barked and 
barked at that statue!!  An older guy across the street that had petted him 
when we had walked past him cracked up and was laughing at him!!  I was too!! 
 It was so funny!!  He was not about to turn his back on some strange guy 
with an axe raised up above his head!!!  I'll have to take him there with 
hubby and sons and see if he does it again!!  Funny!! But STRANGE!!!

:)  &  :)```   (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling!)

See Albert's photo at:   

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.