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Re: [PyrNet-L] chat:burps

The proper way to burp a Pyr -by Dan Rice:
Ok you have to move slow as not to make your guy think oh play time as they
think its that all the time. One of the first mistakes I think we all make is
not looking for the front ,and end up on the wrong end. (I know there is a
head in all that hair I saw it putting food in it or at least it sounded like
it..) Ok now that I have the front I take my right arm and wrap it over his
ribs and take my left hand (being left handed the superior race) I pat him on
the breast till he burps. Those of you who feed can goods should keep in mind
that the smell will kill you if inhaled to much, so keep your face away from
his or hers. Over the years I have learned never I repeat never squeeze a Pyr
as you my get a burp from both ends and pass out. By the way after you burp
your Pyr if they smile at you  it is because they think what a fool I would
have burp on my own but it was fun to see the look on there face when I did
it in there nose.
Now run out side and see what your guy gave you for all your efforts.
Dan R.

clhenke@juno.com wrote:

> Do you squeeze to burp, or lay them over your shoulder?  I need a
> chuckle, and so this kind of amuses me.  Since mine are grade A "burp in
> your face types", I haven't had to think about burping them.  Technique's
> would be informative!  Thanks! :-)