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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: Albert's good for what ails 'em!

   This started out being a very rough day. I am a nursing assistant and 
caregiver for my elderly neighbour lady that I have been friends with for 10 
years.   Besides caring for her I also bathe her dog and trim it's nails and 
care for it after my paid time is up. We are very close & she says that my 
visits are the high point of her life now and all she looks forward to.   :)  
   She is in the hospital and I went to visit her.  My hubby George and 12 
yr. old son Mark walked the two dogs around by her window so she could see 
them.  The hospital has yet to OK Pet Therapy Visits, although I am working 
with one of the people in charge to try to get the head of the hospital to OK 
them. (By the way Albert visits the retirement home here.) 
    Anyway she asked her Dr. if she could get dressed and go outside to visit 
them!!  This from a woman who used to - up to a month or so ago - be 
absolutely phobic about being scared to death of big dogs!!  She has only had 
little Taco Bell type dogs!!  She had been attacked by a big dog when a young 
girl of 13.  For over 70 years she has had this phobia and been terrified of 
big dogs. I used to only be able to get her to see Albert from the van or her 
window.  The Dr. OK'ed it and we got her dressed and she went outside to 
visit them!!  Insisted on getting kisses from them both, too!!  I wish I'd 
have had my video camera then!!  Real tear-jerker!!  The hospital head will 
hear about this - that's for sure!!  Albert's definitely good for what ails 
'em!!  And Mattie, too!!  My little ol' lady perked up a lot and was standing 
taller and had some spring in her step afterwards!!  We shared some Junior 
Mints (she's a fellow chocoholic!!) and we walked all over the hospital 
looking at all the wonderful artwork they have there of animals. They have 
really gorgeous artwork at our hospital!!  We both felt much better 
afterwards!! I hugged and kissed her goodbye......... until Friday morning 
when I'll return at 8:30am.  (Yikes! Gotta get some sleep!)
   And of course both pooches got ice cream cones afterwards!!

:)  &  :)```   (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling!)

See Albert's photo at:   

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.