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[PyrNet-L] New beginnings

Here's hoping that I have this e-mail correct.  My husband and I just
purchased our first Pyr on Sat.  She is 3 months old and 3o lbs. large!
:)  She is the"second child" in the family and her name is Polar Bear -
Bear for short.  Our "first child" is a small Bichon Frise - Mischief -
who is 1 3/4 yrs. old and 9 lbs. small.  :)   This is actually part of
the reason that I have joined the chat list - we are experiencing some
difficulties in blending the family together.  Mischief is quite small
and rather timid, while Bear is very large in comparrison and very
interested in playing rough.  We are afraid that she thinks of Mischief
as a toy instead of the older dog, and Mischief seems clueless on how to
defend herself when Bear makes advances. She doesn't growl, hasn't
snarled or snapped at her, and runs or darts away when spooked which
encourages Bear to chase her.  Bear has already cornered Mischief and
bopped her good with her big paws.  Mischief just shook in the corner
and took it.  We are concerned that injuries will result and that Bear
will not understand how to appropriately treat Mischief.  We are also
concerned about proper training techniques for Bear.  We have heard so
many things that we should and shouldn't do that it is beginning to get
confusing and almost makes a person afraid to do anything for fear of
ruining the dog.  Bear appears to be quite bright and is definitly
strong willed.  We don't want to break her spirit, just teach her the
rules of the house and proper manners.  Does anyone have any ideas on
how we could help Bear regarding her treatment of Mischief and how we
might train her in general?  Any adivce would be appriciated.
    Thanks so much!
    Amy, Jeff, Mischief, and Bear