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[PyrNet-L] Barking

Smokey didn't even know how to bark until he was 1 1/2 years old.  We never
heard a peep out of him.  However, once he turned 2, he turned into a
dominant, protective male who barks at many things.  He doesn't bark when
other dogs bark unless there is something going on.  He does bark at
strangers walking by and if we are out walking in the street he barks at
the cars.  It was really strange with him, the barking just switched on one
day.  I haven't found a successful way to curb it.  I have heard (through
this list) that the citronella collars work well.  Basically, I have a deal
worked out with my neighbor that I won't let him out before 7am and I bring
him in at 8pm.  He's outside the rest of the time.  The neighbor is allowed
to tell him to quiet down and squirt him with the hose if he's making a
racket.  I also told the neighbor to find out what he's barking at because
Smokey does not just bark to hear his own voice.

I can't believe that people steal and poison dogs.  The thought just never
occured to me.  Smokey makes such a big fuss barking, I can't imagine
someone stupid enough to approach him and try and take him.  This excludes
little kids of course, because he doesn't bark at them.

Good luck!
Jen and Smokey