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[PyrNet-L] Re; This is really sick - more info

Re this web site:

In a democracy, there are many legal and moral ways to stop
this type of immoral, illegal and sleazy excuse of a person.
The love I have for animals, I could never refer to him as
an animal.

I have researched the site and have found some interesting

This site is owned by:
        Manse Jacobi (webmaster@freespeech.org)
        Public Communicators Inc.
        2945 Center Green Court South Suite G
        Boulder CO  80301
        voice: 303-442-8060
        fax:   303-442-6472

The site is not hosted by a traditional ISP. It is hosted
        XOR Network Engineering, Inc.
        5766 Central Ave
        Boulder, CO  80301

There is no contact name at all for this organization, but
voice at 303-448-4800
fax      303-440-9836
email    netadmin@xor.com

Further XOR has just won a "major contract" to host
and provide services to a company that is selling human food
(http://www.wholefoods.com). Kinda makes you wonder about the real
connection?. I wonder where they are getting their "cheap meat".

XOR's web page lists at http://www.xor.com/clients/ an
impressive array of clients. Perhaps a little heat on the clients
listed could put pressure on them to disconnect "besna/besna.html"

I don't believe we have the right to censor, even if we find
these things totally unacceptable. However, we can utilize our
rights of free speech to object in such a way that continuing
to host "besna/besna.html" will be financially damaging to the
current host and any future host. Its in your hands. I haven't
figured out what my plan of attack is yet - so I am open to any
and all suggestions. Maybe some local ASPCA and politicans should
know about this type of activity.

And please anyone you have my permission to cross post to get the
word out and "the pressure on".

 Carol Brescher Boyle                Improving the health of our dogs,
 carol@NaturalDogFood.com                          one meal at a time.

 Need a wholesome dog-friendly recipe? See the "Recipe of the month"
        at the our web-site http://www.naturaldogfood.com