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Re: [PyrNet-L] pyr intelligence

In a message dated 7/20/99 2:33:19 PM, bamb@monmouth.com writes:

Labs would have jumped off a bridge onto concrete if we told the to do
so. When the Pyrs are given a command, they mull it over and decide
whether or not it is a reasonable request. The Labs were very
"trainable" the Pyrs are, by far, more intelligent!>>

Ah, it's just a diiference in attitude, not necessarily a difference in 
intelligence. Hoover is mostly Lab, and she'd die for me. She can decide whom 
to bark at, which stranger is a danger, and assert her dominance; Panda is 
far bigger, but Hoover is the boss. Hoover looks to her human for approval. 
Thats just what she's bred for, the instinctive
track of her thinking.
Panda, on the other hand, barks at air, runs and cowers in the bedroom when a 
stranger comes to the door, and minds when she damn well feels like it. She 
has the breeding to give her a brain that'll make her independent, but she's 
loyal to a far lesser degree. 
So who's to decide which type of intelligence is preferable? Depends upon the 
dog's role. For protection and loyalty I'd chose a ___________ (fill in your 
oreference). To guard my flock, a ______________. For a pet, a______________.

If we all drove one kind of car it'd be a boring world indeed!

My neighbors Labs are bright enough to come over to MY yard to poop on MY 

Kath :-)