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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat: Dogs at Work

In a message dated 99-09-19 23:38:04 EDT, you write:

<< Today (yes Sunday) I took Boris and Sierra with me to work.  They LOVE to 
 to work with me, because they don't have to work you see.  They get to play 
 and what a wonderful play time; they get to run  -- leash free -- up and 
 the long hallways of the lawfirm.  >>

You are SO LUCKY to be able to bring your two to work with you!!!  I work for 
a private business, and about 2 years ago, brought Baron to the office with 
me.  I was going to be there half a day - by myself mind you - and he was a 
perfect gentleman.  That was Friday, and on Monday I was told NOT to bring my 
dogs back.  Seems my boss didn't appreciate all the white dog hair on the 
rugs.  Guess I wouldn't either, as for some reason it stuck like glue to the 
scatter rugs we had in the office.  Still, what's a little hair.  

When David's office was in the "old" building, he would take one of his 
"girls" with him if he had to go in on a weekend.  They were quite happy just 
to check out trashcans and empty boxes, while he worked.  Now that his office 
has moved to a brand new building, no pets of any type are permitted inside.  
Surprised they allow children :-)
