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[PyrNet-L] Chat, Events: Lake Tahoe Weekend

Six pyrs, a beagle, and their human companions enjoyed a spectacular weekend 
at the northshore of Lake Tahoe September 24-26.  The weather could not have 
been better, in stark contrast to last year when it was 32 degrees, 
snowing-raining-hailing.  This year the temps were in the mid 60s -- 70s, 
with a cloudless azure blue sky by day and clear starry sky at night.  Shorts 
were the uniform of the weekend for all human participants.  

On Friday night, the participants assembled in front of  one of the motel 
rooms to get acquainted.  Cookies and wine were shared while the night 
mountain air, although balmy, was invigorating to the pyrs who got all 
excited and frisky.  Boris, Max, Sierra, Toby (the honorary pyr), Monte and 
18 week-old puppy Pablo got to know one another and everyone else.  Anna 
voiced her initial displeasure at being along, but soon settled down.  Plans 
were made to meet the following afternoon for a pyr parade down the beach.

Saturday morning found everyone doing their own thing.  One couple and their 
pyrs piled into their truck and went off hiking to Lower Lola Montez Lake, a 
six mile round trip hike outside of Soda Springs off I-80.  Another walked 
around Kings Beach, then drove around the Lake, enjoying the wonderful day 
and scenery.  The lake was so brilliant, sparking literally like diamonds and 
often aquamarine in places where it wasn't deep blue.  One forgets how big it 
really is!  A third couple also went sightseeing, eventually finding a good 
place for breakfast.  Later that afternoon, some lounged poolside while 
others watched the Ryder Cup on TV.  Somethings cannot be sacrificed, even 
for pyrs.

By 3 p.m., all the pyrs congregated poolside and got to know one another a 
bit better and partake of an afternoon snack.  A bit later, the whole group 
engaged in a lovely stroll along the Kings Beach esplanade/public beach on 
lake Tahoe answering those age old questions: "Great Pyrenees"..."yes, they 
shed"...."four cups"....."yes they are friendly and you can pet them", etc.

When the pyr parade was finished, everyone made the drive to Tahoe City and 
the Naughty Dog Diner for dinner.  Dinner was eaten on the "dawg deck" that 
faces Northlake Boulevard.  The pyrs spread out among the diners and between 
the chairs.  Throughout dinner they were very agreeable with one another.  
Anna made sure her nose was right at table height for easier crusing.  Poor 
Max.  A bit nervous these days, he was taken aback by the whole thing and 
didn't enjoy the fire engines racing down the street, but with some 
comforting, he managed.  One of the participants supplied some delicious wine 
that was enjoyed by all the humans as people stopped on the street to pet the 
pyrs and ask those inevitable questions.  Dinners ordered  included "The 
Beagle" (no -- not Toby; it was the name of a burger!) and "The Pit Bull".   
The waitress was applauded for being able to nimbly navigate around pyrs and 
chairs in a narrow location while taking numerous plates at once, all the 
while seeming to enjoy it.  She made several points with the pyrs and Toby, 
supplying dog cookies to all the four legged patrons.

All too soon dinner was over, and it was back to the motel for a nightcap at 
poolside and to enjoy the balmy scented air.  The entire pool area is 
enclosed by fencing, so the pyrs and the beagle could be let off leash.  Poor 
Max wanted to play, but the old fogies weren't interested, although they did 
join in on several barking jags as various guests walked by the pool area.  
At 10 p.m. the pool and spa closed down and goodnights were said, the end to 
a "pyrfect" weekend.

The Stevenson Holiday Inn in Kings Beach was rated "four paws" by Sierra.  
The room was very clean and comfortable with enough room for the pyrs to walk 
around in.  The King Sized bed was big enough for everyone to stretch out on, 
so no noses were out of joint for not fitting on the bed.  The owner, who was 
very accommodating, plans to keep inviting dogs, despite the fact that other 
motels in the area are closing their digs to dogs.  The Sierra Pacific Great 
Pyrenees club will  be holding its 3rd annual Tahoe Weekend next September so 
mark your calenders now and come join us!!   Just know that there is no 
guarantee on the weather. 
