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Re: [PyrNet-L] feeding

<<I have a 9 month old pyr that is not eating well. My vet has found nothing
wrong with her to cause this, any suggestions as to what type of dog food
your pyrs eat best, or any success anyone has had with a similar would be
greatly appreciated.>>

Hi ?, Others will probably have more/better info they can give on this, but
I have found that my Pyrs go through periods when they are 'just not
interested' in food much at all.  Pyrs don't seem to be big eaters compared
to a lot of other large breeds.

Is she too thin? Or is she just 'not interested'?  Remember that growing
pups should preferably be on the lean side anyway.

What to feed is a very individual thing.  There are probably almost as many
different ways as there are Pyr owners :-).  Personally I have found that a
BARF (Bones and Raw Food/Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods) diet works for
me. My older Pyr 'Halley' eats a lot better now than before I switched her
onto this type of diet.

Tracy Bassett
Canberra, Australia
visit my webpage at http://members.dynamite.com.au/espinay/index.htm