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Re: [PyrNet-L] feeding

In a message dated 99-09-28 12:23:05 EDT, you write:

<< setting
 aside the potential age difference between your dog and mine, I see his
 avoidance as related to heat (during the summer, despite central air),
 stress (from his 6-month-old pyr nephew)--and even waiting for his owner to
 finish breakfast/dinner to get the leftovers. I wonder, too, about the
 possibility of environmental stressors--but chances are, you've looked into
 this. >>

We have 4 pyrs that go through this "I don't care what mum's fixed, I'm not 
going to eat it" phase.  Some things we've noticed include, bitch in season 
which distracts the one male; feeding at a time later than usual - especially 
for the morning feeding; summer months (but who wants to eat in hot weather 
anyway!); visitors; major changes in routines.  Also, I think the amount of 
activity has a good bit to do with how hungry they are.  Tanuki generally has 
a very heartly appetite, but he's out in the pasture really "working".  
Baron, Zoe, and Kes are more "couch potatoes" and I don't feel too bad if 
they skip a meal.  Except Baron, I'd like to get a "bit" more weight on him 
so I try to make his food especially enticing.
